
Rubolab GmbH

The company was founded in 2014 and develops and distributes high-quality measuring instruments in the field of adsorption and catalysis research. Rubolab GmbH has two locations in Germany (Freiberg and Düsseldorf) and an office in China (Beijing). The products are sold internationally through a highly qualified dealer network. In 2019, DBI-Virtuhcon became a shareholder, enabling Rubolab to intensify its expertise, particularly in high-temperature applications.


Dr.-Ing. Jens Rother | Managing Director
Jens Rother has been Managing Director of Rubolab GmbH since 2016 and is mainly responsible for international sales and finances.

Selected Publications:
  • Rother, J.; Fieback, T.; Seif, R.; Dreisbach, F.; Characterization of solid and liquid sorbent materials for biogas purification by using a new volumetric screening instrument, Rev Sci Instrum. 2012 May;83(5):055112
  • Rother, J.; Fieback, T.; Multicomponent adsorption measurements on activated carbon, zeolite molecular sieve and metal–organic framework, Adsorption (2013) 19: 1065, Springer-Verlag
  • Nandi, S.; De Luna, P.; Daff T.; Rother, J.; Ming, L.; Buchanan, W.; Hawari, A.; Woo, T.; Vaidhyanathan, R.; A single-ligand ultra-microporous MOF for precombustion CO2 capture and hydrogen purification, Sci. Adv. 2015;1:e1500421
  • Nandi, S.; Rother, J.; Chakraborty, D.; Maity, R.; Werner-Zwanziger, U.; Vaidhyanathan,R.; Exceptionally stable Bakelite-type polymers for efficient pre-composition CO2 capture and H2 purification, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 1–9
Selected Lectures:
  • 13 FOA, Cairns Australia, 2019 (invited speach)
    Jens Rother: Analysis of Systematic Measurement Uncertainties of Commonly Used Methods for High-Pressure Adsorption Measurements
  • CZC 2019, Hangzhou, China
    Jens Rother: Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainties of Commonly Used Methods for High-Pressure Adsorption Measurements on Zeolites
Other Activities:
  • Honorary lecturer at FOM, Essen: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
  • Appointed member of the ProcessNET/VDI group Adsorption
  • Reviewer for scientific publications, Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier

Prof.-Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fieback | Authorized Officer

Tobias Fieback is authorized signatory at Rubolab GmbH and mainly responsible for technical development and research projects. In addition, he holds the chair of Technical Thermodynamics at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg:
Homepage of Bergakademie Freiberg

Selected Publications in the Field of Sorption Research:
  • Fieback, T.; Dreisbach, F.; Petermann, M.; Span, R.; Weidner, E.: New sorption measuring methods: Forced flow through liquids and solid state fluidised bed sorbents in high pressure gravimetry. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 301, 217 – 224, 2011
  • Fieback, T.; Dreisbach, F.: New Approach for Simultaneous Measurement of Gas Absorption and Swelling. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50 (11), 7049 – 7055, 2011
  • Fieback, T.; Michaeli, W.; Latz, S.; Mondéjar, M. E.: Sorption and Swelling Measurement of CO2 and N2 on Polyol for Their Use As Blowing Agents in a New PU Foaming Process Device. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 7631 – 7636, 2011
  • Fieback, T.; Span, R.: High Temperature Sorption Measurements for Determining Surface Effects of Solid Fuels. Energy Procedia 61, S. 1501 – 1504, 2014
Selected Lectures in the Field of Sorption Research:
  • Fieback, T.; Span, R.; Petermann, M.: Gravimetric analyser for selective sorption measurement of multi-component gas or supercritical mixtures in fluidsed-bed or liquid sorbents. GERG Accademic Network Event, Brüssel, 2010
  • Fieback, T.; Dreisbach, F.: Temperature dependent immobilization of CH4 and N2 in narrow pore zeolites for energy storage processes. 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, 2011
  • Fieback, T.; Rother, J.; Dreisbach, F.: Characterization of solid and liquid sorbent materials for Biogas cleaning applications. 6th Pacific Basin conference on Adsorption Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2012
  • Fieback, T.; Rother, J.; Dreisbach, F.: Adsorption Characteristics of different Solid and Liquid Sorbent Materials. Processnet/VDI Fachausschuss Thermodynamik, Potsdam, 2012
  • Fieback, T.; Rother, J.; Dreisbach, F.: Characterization of Sorbent Materials for Bio Gas Cleaning Applications and Evaluation of IAST Mixture Sorption predicting Mode. ProcessNet/VDI Fachausschuss Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Berlin, 2013
  • Fieback, T.; Rother, J.; Dreisbach, F.: Multicomponent Adsorption Characteristics of Different Solid Sorbent Materials. AIChE, San Francisco, 2013
  • Fieback, T.; Span, R.: High Temperature Sorption Measurements for Determining Surface Effects of Solid Fuels. The 6th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2014, Taipei, 2014

Tobias Fieback has numerous other publications in the field of adsorption research and related fields. A corresponding overview as well as further information on lectures, courses, participation in expert committees and awards can be found under the following link:
Publications and further information about Prof. Fieback

Rubolab GmbH - Measurement & Analysis